A Physical Therapist’s Role in Chronic Pain Relief

Throughout a typical day, you use your hands, wrists, and elbows almost constantly. From vigorously brushing your teeth in the morning, to switching the lights off before bed, and during just about every other action in between, these joints are frequently in a state of movement. But over time, performing certain tasks on a repetitive […]
By now, the many ways in which posture can influence the body and the importance of practicing good posture should be abundantly clear. If you're interested in taking more control over your own posture, performing the exercises and techniques described in our last post is a great place to start, but they may not solve […]
In our first post, we briefly mentioned how bad posture, neck pain, and respiratory function are all related. This relationship is worth a closer examination, too, as improving the way you breath is a key to better posture, reduced pain, and less stress. A brief overview of breathing and posture At first glance, posture and […]
In our last post, we introduced you to the concept of posture, explained what is meant by good versus poor posture, and offered a few examples of painful conditions and other dysfunctions that may be related to poor posture. But since this was only the introduction to the topic, there's a great deal more to […]
Every year, our physical therapy team meets thousands of individuals recovering from surgery. Physical therapy is a safe, natural, and healthy way to aid your body in getting better after dealing with the stress that accompanies an operation. Whether you’re undergoing a joint replacement, knee surgery, or some other procedure, we’re confident that working with […]
It’s not always easy to be active. We’ve all been there – letting the dumbbells collect dust in the garage, throwing the yoga mat in the storage closet, constantly walking by the running shoes without a second glance. However, once you get into the habit of being a habit, it becomes much easier. With these […]
You probably already know there are a ton of different factors that contribute to maintaining your health. Getting a full night’s rest, staying hydrated during the day, and eating well-balanced meals are the most commonly shared tips when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, maintaining your heart health and nervous system. However, this is […]